Tuesday, October 23, 2012

See the World

Michele and I (Lynn) are writing this blog to share our experiences traveling through Europe and Africa with our family and friends and so that we will always have a reminder of our trip. We'll try to update as often as possible, but due to spotty internet and limited time, that may not be as often as we would like. We hope you enjoy reading about our travels as much as we enjoy traveling!

A little intro to Lynn...It is hard to believe that just a few years ago I had never left the country, didn't have a passport, could only speak 1 language, and had no idea what adventures lay ahead. I was lucky enough to travel a bit as a kid to California for vacations, Florida for family, Hawaii for soccer, and Alaska for volleyball, but it wasn't until college that I really caught the travel bug. As a freshman, I decided to study abroad during the summer which led me to Orvieto, Italy. After spending half a summer learning Italian, eating pizza and exploring the ancient ruins and modern cities; I was hooked on language, culture and long plane rides. I spent a summer in India with my good friend which was extremely challenging and one of the most defining times of my life. A semester in Chile, a few months in Indonesia, and a few more traveling around Asia solidified my love of travel and taught me enough about the importance of traveling light to prepare me to take off on this adventure. I would say that I am taking a break form my life plan, but that would imply that traveling isn't a part of that plan, which it most definitely is. In my mind, the point of this first post should be to explain my reasons for embarking on this journey, so here they are: I like to travel, I want to meet people from all over the world, I want to see as much beauty as I can, and I am too young to grow up and get a job :) Put simply, I just want to see the world.

I suppose since Lynn wrote a little intro I should...I spent a lot of my youth traveling around the US and had my first bit of international experience in high school when I went on a tour of Europe. If I thought I loved traveling then, I had no idea what would be in store. The summer before my sophomore year of college I went to the Dominican Republic for a week to help out at an orphanage. It was difficult at times but it was the point where I realized I love cultures, meeting people who spoke a different language and lived a different way. The whole next year I was determined to go to Africa and summer of 2010, I did. Now two years later I am embarking on another adventure, but this time for much longer and for different reasons. The last couple were for testing the waters, this time I already knew I would love it. The idea of being a backpacker thrills me. Carrying everything you own in one bag, learning to be creative with eating, and freedom to decide your life one day, no one minute at a time. I might discover something about myself along the way, but really I'm here to learn about the world.

Graduation from the University of Arizona, Class of 2012

Laying in the fall leaves in Chicago

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad your blog is up! Enjoyed reading the first couple of entries. Enjoyed reading, and was slightly envious at the same time... =^) Can't wait to see where else - and what else - your travels bring you!
